Under normal circumstances, do not address him by the German name. 一般情况下,切勿直呼德国人的名字。
This is normal if this is the first time this offline address list has been generated. 如果这是首次生成此脱机地址列表,则这是正常的。
This paper introduces some normal diagnosis way aiming at broken fault of the memory address line and gives a new improvement way. 介绍了存储器地址线发生断路故障检测的一般方法,并且提出了一种新的改进措施。
And realize normal data transportation and address decode on PC/ 104 Bus. 最终实现PC/104总线常规传输的地址译码与数据传输。
This paper made a thorough analysis of the features of network interaction behaviors of normal users and attackers in the DDoS attack based on source IP address spoofing, and then proposes the IP Flow Interaction Behavior Feature ( IBF). 本文深入分析了伪造源IP地址的DDoS攻击中正常用户与攻击者的网络交互行为特征,提出了IP流交互行为特征(IPFlowInteractionBehaviorFeature,IBF)的概念。
However, it may make false alarms that misjudge normal traffic as hacking traffic and cause network problems to block the normal IP address by false alarms. 但是,它可能对黑客攻击产生误报,把正常的网络流量当成黑客流量,引起网络阻塞,虚报正常的IP地址。